Wednesday, August 25, 2004

so long....

no, not "so long" as in "see ya"... It's just been so long since I wrote on this one.

The news is so incredibly appalling lately that I don't even know where to start. The whole Swift Boat Veterans for Lobotomies thing has me and everyone I know amazed. I mean, if you're gonna lie, find one that's not so freakin' obvious, ok? Like everyone else?

Articles come out every day in the papers that sound like Watergate blurbs, and what's worse is that both sides are competing at being ignorami.

Bush Campaign's Top Outside Lawyer Resigns
An election lawyer for President Bush also has been advising a veterans group running TV ads against John Kerry. [ed. note: I can almost hear the tick tick of the wire printer from the last few minutes of "All the President's Men"...]

Cleland Attempts Delivery of Protest Letter
Letter to Bush Signed by 9 Democratic Senators Protesting Anti-Kerry Swift Boat Ads [ed. note: at least they didn't kick over his wheelchair...]

CONSTITUTIONAL FORK New York Judge Rules City Can Ban Protestors From Park By CHRISTINE HAUSER 4:42 PM ETA State Supreme Court judge ruled today that New York City can ban protesters from using the Great Lawn in Central Park.

Reports Show a Mixed View of Economy
WASHINGTON (AP) -- America's factories saw orders for costly manufactured goods in July post the biggest gain in four months. New-homes sales, meanwhile, slid, according to a pair of reports that offered a mixed picture of economic activity.
The Commerce Department reported Wednesday that orders for durables goods -- big-ticket items expected to last at least three years -- rose 1.7 percent in July from the previous month -- lifted by stronger demand for goods including airplanes, machinery and communications equipment. [ed. note: Hm.... Airplanes? Machinery? Communications equipment? War? Hm...]

Abu Ghraib Report: Abuse Panel Says Rules on Inmates Need Overhaul
No... Really?

Rumsfeld's War Plan Shares the Blame
By Thomas E. Ricks
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's leadership of the Pentagon has been weighed by a jury of his peers and found somewhat wanting.
A report by a blue-ribbon panel he appointed to review the military establishment's role in creating and handling detainee abuse problems at Abu Ghraib prison said that the Iraq war plan he played a key role in shaping helped create the conditions that led to the scandal.

Report: Prisoner Abuses Due to Human Failings
Intelligence Policies Not Cause of Abu Ghraib Misconduct, Pentagon Investigation Says
By Thomas E. Ricks
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
The latest Pentagon investigation of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal found that more than two dozen military intelligence soldiers were involved in the abuses, but said that most of the errant behavior was not the result of official policies and did not occur in the course of gathering intelligence. [ed. note: FORK FORK FORK!! Fox! Henhouse! helloooooo! Do we expect Pentagon investigators to say, "hey... y'know? I think we suck. I think we're terrible people, and we should all be put in jail. Here. Handcuff me right now and drag me to the Hague..." Yeah.]

Cheney Breaks With the Boss Wednesday
Aug 25, 2004; 12:04 PM
What is Vice President Cheney trying to do, get himself dumped off the Republican ticket? [this is appalling because I don't want to have any reason to feel the tiniest sense of compassion for this man... Luckily, I can let myself believe that he has a more disingenuous agenda.]

on the DNA front... accidents...

Minn. Frog Found With 5 Legs, 23 Toes
Some Experts Disturbed By Discovery
A 9-year-old Minnesota girl found a five-legged frog with 23 toes near Stewartville, Minn., according to a report. [ed. note: other experts are ok with this?]

and purposeful...

Building Better Bodies


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wrap my mind around the political content, but I can make a frog comment. I saw something recently (Science Channel?) that demonstrated frog deformity as a purely natural process, Mother Nature from Hell. It had to do with parasites interfering with leg buds, giving the frog extra limbs, which makes it easier for the big predator animal to catch and eat, which makes life easier for the parasites feeding off the big predator animal -- I forget what it was.

Anyway, all relevant experts should be interested, if not disturbed, and pollutants cause nasty frog problems as well. I loves my froggies!


August 25, 2004 at 7:20 PM  

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