Wednesday, August 11, 2004

swift boats

I just pulled this first batch of today's list straight from the dem-daily, the newsgroup from, 'cos I'm lazy, but I would have found the same stuff had I dug for it...

Bush Must Condemn the Swift Boat Lies About John Kerry
"To George W. Bush: As Jim Rassman writes, '35 years after the fact, some Republican-financed Swift Boat Veterans for Bush are suddenly lying about John Kerry's service in Vietnam... This time their attacks are more vicious, their lies cut deep and are directed not just at John Kerry, but at me and each of his crewmates as well. This hate-filled ad asserts that I was not under fire; it questions my words and Navy records. This smear campaign has been launched by people without decency, people who don't understand the bond of those who serve in combat... Sen. McCain called on President Bush to condemn the ad. Regrettably, the president has ignored Sen. McCain.' As a candidate, you promised to 'be a uniter, not a divider' ... 'restore honorand integrity to the White House' ... and 'change the tone in Washington.' We therefore call onyou to condemn the lies by your supporters about John Kerry's Vietnam medals." Sign the petition!

Truth v. Swift Boat Liars
eRiposte writes, "Many media outlets have been providing a relatively easy outlet for the so-called 'Swift Boat Veterans for Truth' (SBV for short; more appropriately described as theSwift Boat Veterans Who Have a Problem With The Truth or as Swift Boat Veteran Flip-Floppers for Bush or as Smear Boat Veterans for Bush). Since the media continues to parade these folks(fondly and appropriately described by Hesiod as 'Swift Boat Liars for Bush') before viewers, often without critically examining their egregious charges against Senator John Kerry (some media outlets are far worse than others on this), I wanted to get a clear picture for myself on what is being said and what is really the truth. What emerges is simply the fact that this is the beginning of Part II of The Hunting of the President." This is an amazing compilation of the details of Kerry's medals that counters the SBV's smears.

Boston Globe One of the Few US Media Sources to Accurately Report Kerry 'War Authorization' Story
Bush laid an ambush for Kerry this week, one in which the AP obviously colluded. Bush asked:''My opponent hasn't answered the question of whether, knowing what we know now, he would havesupported going into Iraq." Kerry answered he would have still voted to authorize thepresidential power to declare war (reason: in a case of impending attack, there may not be timeto convene Congress). A.P. and subsequently every other US news outlet reported falsely thatKerry said he would have voted to go to war even knowing there were no WMDs and that theintelligence was wrong. Kudos to the Boston Globe!

APPALLING FORK Gas Drilling in Colorado's Wildlands
The Bush administration is finalizing a gas-drilling plan that would send roads and drill pads slicing through southern Colorado's HD Mountains, the only remaining stretch of the San Juan Basin untouched by energy development. Covering 40,000 acres, the old-growth ponderosa pine forests of the HD range provide habitat for elk, black bears, northern goshawks and mule deer. Rich archeological sites in the area date back 1,000 years. The administration's coalbed methane plan calls for drilling 79 wells and constructing compressor plants and 36 miles of roads in this unspoiled lowland forest in violation of the "roadless rule," which is designed to protect the wildest areas of our national forests from development. For only a tiny amount of gas, the project would decimate nearly 90 percent of the HD Mountains' old-growth stands, leave mountain streams cloudy with sediment, disturb archeological sites and uproot wildlife.

and... finally... what's become of our War On Drugs?
U.S. Customs Seizes Drug Shipment To Senior Citizens
No, silly, Uncle Ralph isn't looking for smack, he's just trying to keep his blood pressure down... Hard to do around here, isn't it?


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