Thursday, September 30, 2004

hello world

I could have written a computer program in any of several languages to write that, but typing it was easier.

It's been about a month since I posted to this particular blog. Mostly because I've given up on reading the news. It's more appalling than I can deal with. I just get angry, and that seems counterproductive to a calm work environment and thus keeping my job.

I receive a mailing every day from FactCheck goes through the spoutings of our illustrious candidates and documents the bullshit. They're not partisan; they expose as many of Kerry's camp's lies as they do Bush's. It's a very edifying source of information.

What I find appalling is that NONE OF THIS SHOWS UP IN THE NEWS!!! NEWS!!! YOU KNOW! NEW STUFF!

It seems to me that, not picking on Dan in particular, news folks are not doing their job of critical thinking. Where are the Woodwards and Bernsteins, and more importantly, the Ben Bradlees to uncover the bullshit and to publish it?

In any case, I'm off this beat until the elections are over. Then, if Bush wins, I may be publishing from some place like Canada or Ireland or someplace where I can watch the self-destruction from afar...

As always, be appalled...